Does any of the following resonate with you?

Constantly feel highjacked by the voices in your mind? Feel burnt out with work (at home or at work)? Do you find it difficult to communicate with your partner, colleague, or friend? Do you find it challenging to present yourself and give speeches or make friends? Does applying for a job makes you feel anxious? Do your past mistakes prevent you from moving forward? 

If yes, first I want to tell you with all my heart: “DON’T WORRY!

Take a deep breath; because you are not alone! We all experience these types of challenges. Everyone has negative emotions and thoughts, everyone feels vulnerable sometimes and has weak points. 

Contact Me

10am–5pm UK time

+44 (0) 7572 765 852


NLP Practitioner

A good driver, knows their destination, stays aware of all the hazards throughout the whole journey, and if they come to a dead-end or barrier or a problem on route, they show flexibility, make new decisions and navigate towards their destination.

With Neuro-Linguistic Programming coaching, I can will help you get clearer about what you really want, elicit your personal values, raise your awareness, inspect your limiting beliefs and support you on your way towards your destination (goal).

Mental Fitness & Positive Intelligence

Our mind is constantly being highjacked by our mental saboteurs. The saboteurs are the voices in our heads. Every human has these saboteurs. They used to help us in our childhood to survive emotionally. But that was it for them. In adulthood, all of our negative thoughts and emotions are caused by our top saboteurs.

With Mental Fitness coaching, I help you:

- Intercept your mental Saboteurs
- Activate the brain region where your Sage lives
- And strengthen your PQ response towards stress and challenging life/work situations.

Find out who is holding you back?

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate stress and negative emotions in the way you handle life’s challenges. They sabotage your potential for happiness, fulfilment and love.
Depending on your childhood and life experiences, your Saboteurs can manifest in the form of:
The Avoider
The Controller
The Hyper-Achiever and more.

You can take a free test right now and discover your top saboteurs by clicking on the button below.

(The link takes you to the Positive Intelligence website)

Confidence Coaching

Whether it's about our looks, communication skills or way of being, every single person lacks confidence in some areas of their life, personal or professional, and it is a human quality. But the good news is that confidence is a skill and everyone can achieve it. Through your coaching experience with me, I will be your torch, we will together find your sabotaging conversations with yourself, and by creating positive mental muscles, strengthen your self-compassion and empathise power towards yourself, tp help you overcome your fears and doubts about yourself.

Contact me, book your FREE appointment now