What is Coaching?

Where does Coaching originate?

The concept of the professionally trained coach running his or her own practice originated in the USA. Many personal development and self-help techniques can be traced back to a few individuals who took an idea and packaged it to make it accessible to all.

Coaching is the result of a gentle evolution over several years and, like all the best ideas, has grown in response to a need. In the case of coaching, it is the need for people to talk through the issues and challenges they face and their journey to achieve the goals they strive for.

What does a coach do?

A coach gives 100% commitment to each client's personal development and growth. A skilled coach will seek to invite each client to take control of their life and enable them to use a variety of tools and techniques to achieve this.

The role of the coach is essentially, to unlock a client's potential so that she/he can maximise performance.

Source: The Coaching Academy


“confidence” in a nutshell