My Story

Dear reader,

I'm an empathetic problem-solver (my partner advised me to use “problem-solver instead of “controller”)! Allow me to elaborate:

Since childhood, I've always been the one people turn to for advice. My parents, albeit unknowingly, set me on this path by confiding in me about their issues with each other—a less than ideal parenting choice, as we now know. As the youngest in the family, I was always around, ready to listen, and surprisingly adept at giving advice.

This knack for problem-solving followed me into my twenties and my time at university. My friends often sought my counsel on their relationship woes. While I was happy to help, I was frustrated when they repeated the same mistakes, ignoring my advice.

Despite my advisory role, I pursued my passion for creativity, earning a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from a globally recognised university and becoming a jewellery designer. Yet, something was missing.

In 2014, I made a bold move, and moved to the UK, where I earned a Master's degree in Branding Strategy. This new direction led me to an exciting full-time career with a popular television channel. Not the degree though. I needed a job to be able to stay in the country. Going back to a place where women are under oppression wasn’t a choice for me.

My career in TV took off, I got myself a very big follower base and things seemed ok until they weren’t. Again, something was missing.

In the summer of 2020, at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I took a big leap!

I quit my full-time job without any prospects in mind. I only knew I needed to pursue something more fulfilling. It took a while until I found my calling in life. It was crystal clear: I love to help people solve their problems!

Since then, I dedicated all my energy and resources to to becoming a full-time personal development coach.

The journey hasn't been easy. I've faced numerous ups and downs, made big mistakes, got conned, lost money, and failed many times. Through trial and error, I've gained invaluable experience and never wish to stop learning and improving.

I firmly believe that anyone can turn a bad situation into a gift or opportunity.

A significant part of my identity in adulthood has become my passion for understanding human behaviour and achieving control over our thoughts, feelings, and actions. This curiosity grew through my interactions with my audience and followers on social media, yet another time, a proof to my ability for positively impacting those around me.

Today, I am the happiest and most fulfilled I've ever been. Because I’ve found my purpose in life, my IKIGAI!

As an ICF & CCE accredited coach and certified NLP practitioner from the Coaching Academy and a Mental Fitness coach from Positive Intelligence institution, I have the pleasure of helping my clients find their purpose in life, find their ways through all the challenged life throws at them and step towards their goals with a calm, focused and clear mind.